Small ways for creatives to measure success. Use this list to affirm, reflect, and take a deep breath. Life as a creative is a journey not a race.

Give yourself a pat on the back today if:

  1. You didn’t crush under the weight of your own desires to be famous/ influence culture.
  2. You didn’t spin out because you had to go to work when all you wanna do is make stuff like when you were in college.
  3. You had a great idea even if you didn’t create.
  4. You spent 5 minutes thinking about absolutely nothing.
  5. You remembered to eat without over eating even though this is the only meal you remembered to eat.
  6. You reminded yourself you have friends that love you even though you tend to isolate yourself.
  7. You thought about your future.
  8. You thought about your future without saying to yourself “I’ve already peaked”.
  9. You posted something that you’re working on, onto social media even though you think no one cares about art.
  10. You remembered that art used to be the most fun you’ve ever had.
  11. You made something playful, and void of concept.
  12. You made a point to invest in your appearance.
  13. You thought about where you would be 3 months from now.
  14. You took the time to clean your space dedicated for making.
  15. You research opportunities for artists in your area.
  16. You forgave yourself for being human and having needs outside of your art practice.
  17. You remembered it’s called an art “practice” not an art “perfect”
  18. You didn’t quit on yourself.
  19. You remembered that it’s alright to have more than one source of income even if they’re all not related to your passion.
  20. You needed helped and you asked someone you trust to assist you.